Bring Back the Magic
What if you could leave the cycle of struggle behind you?
Let's reignite your lost spark and bring back the magic today!
Reclaim Your Sense of Peace and Zest for Life!
Invest in yourself today!
Just $197 to Ignite Your Spark.
Here's a sneak peek of what's inside:
the woman who’s heard herself saying:
I've been in your shoes,
Optimally, it will take at least 10 days. This course will best serve you if you allow at least 3 days in between modules so you can embody the lesson. It will take time to embody the lesson and you'll need to be intentional and follow through. In Module 2, allow for a longer time frame as we will be coordinating calendars to book your private session.
You’ll receive lifetime access to the course content, and can repeat the exercises as long as they are online. I retain the rights to withdraw or update the content, however, according to my business needs.
You will be working with Laura Enzor. Visit the About page link to learn more about her practice.
There are no refunds for this mini-course.